MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI • ARCHITETTURE DELLA VISIONE • Edited by Michele Mancini and Giuseppe Perrella • 1987 ALEF 296 pgs • Titled Michelangelo Antonioni: Architetture della visione, the protagonist is Michelangelo Antonioni’s (Ferrara, Italy, 1912 - Rome, 2007) film aesthetics, analysed through his films and his work techniques. An extensive two-volume catalogue published only in Italian has been summarised in a single volume and translated into Spanish especially for this occasion, the exhibition at the Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Through a collection of images, the exhibition focuses on the frame as an information unit. For this, the ALEF studio in Rome (which already exhibited in Madrid a montage on Pasolini in 1986) has, through various technical procedures, extracted stills from Antonioni’s films from the twenty-four that pass in front of the human eye every second of film. The result is a combination that shows the wealth of information hidden in each, as well as the detail the director puts into each of his productions.(…) The Spanish catalogue is an example of the thoroughness with which the Italian designer approaches his work. Frames selected and placed in groups constitute a library of images structured in three sections. First, “Arquitectura de la visión” (Architecture of vision) shows the frame and the format, the desertification of the stage, epiphanies and surface-colour. In addition, “Vocaciones del lugar” (Place vocations) gathers: interiors, decorative elements, work environments, natural landscapes, the invisible city, the metaphysical city and metropolitan deserts. Finally, “El tiempo del viaje” (Travel time) shows the camera’s travels, the archaeologies of the stage, as well as the headings and endings • PVP 55€ • Linha de Sombra • www.linhadesombra.com • CP-MC.